Perfect Getaway Read online

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  While Igor was trying to persuade the boys to help him, Frank was thinking fast. He and Joe had to get out of this place, anyway, had to report this ranch to the authorities. There were valid reasons for taking Igor along. They could hand him over to the law, which would make him pay for his crimes. Whatever those crimes were, they couldn't be bad enough to justify leaving him to the chief.

  "Sounds good," he said cautiously to Igor. "But I have to see what my buddy here thinks."

  "It's a deal," said Joe. "But remember, we don't let you out of our sight until we have the money in our hands. And I'll have this in my hand all the time." He indicated the six-gun he was holding.

  "Afraid that gun's not much good to you," said the chief's voice. They whirled around to see him standing in the doorway. In his hand was another six-gun, the twin of the one he'd given Joe. "That gun I tossed you isn't loaded. But the one I have is."

  Frank realized instantly what had happened. "You've got your office bugged!"

  "Smart boy," said the chief, and made a brief gesture with his gun toward the mounted steer head on the wall. "That steer has ears. But you should have been smarter sooner. You two boys made the same mistake as the two boys you're replacing. They stood here in this very room with that big-deal financier from New York, Karl Ross was his name, and they listened to him when he talked about the money he was holding out on me. You won't be seeing them around anymore. And as for Ross, he's not going to be bribing anybody else, because he's got no money and no special contacts left to bribe them with."

  "A setup," Igor murmured, unable to believe he'd been had. "You were planning this all along."

  "Sure I was, partner." The chief swung his icy gaze to the exhausted man. "Even your liquid assets aren't enough to make a profit on a place like this. What I need is power. Knowledge. Leverage. I need to own people. That's what gives the ranch the sweet smell of success."

  Slumped in his chair, Igor looked like a deflated balloon. The presence of lie detectors and similar equipment in the back room clearly made more sense to him now. With a gesture of defeat, he picked up a pen and starting writing down names on a piece of paper.

  "That's right," the chief said, peering over his shoulder. "Whatever you can give me. Just make sure I can make it stick. You already told me what I can get out of this — 'millions, I tell you, millions.'"

  Igor didn't answer. He continued writing, lost in silent despair.

  "Now that our business is over with, I get to deal with you two boys," said the chief, smiling. "That's the fun part. I figure we can have a little lassoing contest in the corral out back. I used to be a pretty fair cowhand years ago. I grew up on a ranch like this, but smaller. I'll tell you what. If you can make it to the corral gate, you'll get to work in the fields. If you don't make it, you're going to fertilize them. I'm afraid the two boys before you were a mite slow — disappointing, really. I'd hoped for more of a challenge. But you two look very fit. Maybe you'll give me a run for your money. Or I guess I should say, a run for your lives."

  The chief looked Frank and Joe up and down as though he were inspecting livestock. "I'll take you one by one. Who wants to be first?"

  "Me," Frank and Joe said at the same time.

  "Believe me, my buddy is as slow as molasses," Joe added quickly, before Frank could say anything. "He's strictly long distance, not a sprinter like me."

  The chief said nothing, just continued to size them up. Then he nodded. "Okay, I believe you. You first, boy. And remember, I want to see some speed."

  "You'll get it," said Joe with a show of bravado. "No way you're going to get that rope around me, old man."

  The chief grinned, looking delighted. "That's what I like to see, a little spunk. Roping you in is going to be the most fun I've had in a month of Sundays." He turned to the others. "You two can wait here while I play my little game with your friend."

  Holding his gun on Joe, he motioned him out of the office, then locked the door as he left. He and Joe walked back to the large corral behind the ranch house, an elaborate construction with high walls of corrugated metal, an attached stable, and all the paraphernalia necessary for a real big-time rodeo.

  "Go on, get in there," the chief said, pushing Joe into the corral and locking the gate after him. "I don't figure you're going to make it to the gate," he explained. "But even if you do, if my horse stumbles or something, you're still not going to get away. The only thing you're going to escape is the cemetery."

  "Fair enough," said Joe, doing some stretch exercises to loosen up his muscles. "Just watch my dust."

  The chief shook his head. "It will be fun cutting you down to size. Maybe I'll even put my brand on you." There was a nasty edge to his voice. "I wonder where I should put it. The center of your forehead might look good. Move on out to the middle, now. I'll be there in a minute."

  Joe watched the chief head for the stable, then turned and surveyed the large corral. Halfway across it was a long distance for a sprint. Joe started across, slowly. From the stable, he heard the whinny of a horse. Then suddenly, behind him, he heard the crack of a gun.

  The chief sat astride a palomino in a cubicle near the gate. The six-gun in his right hand was pointed in the air, and his left hand rested on the lasso that was wrapped around the saddle horn. "Coming out of chute number three!" the chief shouted in a rodeo announcer's voice, and shoved the gun into the holster at his hip. The door of the cubicle shot up, and the horse raced right for Joe as the chief gave a wild, ear-shattering whoop.

  At the first sound, Joe started moving, as fast a start as he had ever made. His feet were pumping beneath him, his heart was pounding in his chest, and his lungs felt as if they would burst. He rounded the corral, approaching the gate from the opposite side, steadily getting closer.

  Then he felt the rope drop down over his shoulders and tighten.

  And he heard the chief's cry of triumph. "You lost, boy. You're dead!"

  Chapter 12

  THAT WAS WHAT Joe had been waiting for.

  As soon as he felt the rope tighten around him, he came to an abrupt halt. At the same moment he grabbed the rope in both hands and yanked with every ounce of his strength, praying that he had made his move fast enough to stop the chief from bracing himself in the saddle.

  It worked, just as Joe had gambled it would. Caught by surprise, the chief didn't have time either to brace himself or to let go of the rope. Instead, his hands instinctively tightened on the rope, and he flew out of the saddle, hitting the ground flat on his face.

  Before the chief could roll over and draw his gun, Joe straddled him and grabbed the gun from his holster.

  Joe stood up, shrugging off the rope that still hung loosely around him. "Okay, Chief, on your feet. The game's over, and guess who won? In case you don't know, keep your hands in the air — or as you'd say, reach for the sky, partner."

  The chief looked at the gun, and followed orders. But his eyes were blazing. "You're not going to get away with this, boy," he snarled. "You're going to pay."

  "Unless you follow orders, you're going to get paid off—with this," said Joe and raised the gun so that it was pointing right between the chief's eyes. He wanted to make sure the chief believed he would use it—because Joe had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to, even in a pinch.

  "Okay, okay, boy," the chief said hurriedly. "Just be careful of that piece. The trigger's kind of sensitive. The least little thing will set it off."

  "Fine," said Joe. "Make sure you don't supply that least little thing."

  The chief didn't have to be told where they were going. He unlocked the gate and headed out of the dusty corral and back to his office, where he unlocked the door without being told.

  Igor's mouth dropped open when he saw the chief enter, with Joe following, gun in hand. "How did you — " he started to ask.

  But before he could finish, Frank grinned and said, "I figured you'd pull it off."

  "You should have seen it," Joe said.

  "Both you boy
s better fasten onto one idea now," said the chief, careful not to make any sudden moves but not hiding the menace in his voice. "No way you're getting away with this. You can't escape. There's jungle all around. And the longer you hold me, the rougher I'm going to be on you when you realize you can't escape and have to give up."

  "Maybe he's right," Igor said. "Perhaps we can make a deal."

  "You never learn, do you?" said Joe with disgust. "You can't make a deal with someone like him."

  "Besides, we won't have to make a deal—not when we can make tracks," said Frank, his eyes lighting up.

  Joe recognized that light. Frank had an idea.

  "What kind of tracks?" asked Igor.

  "Railroad tracks," said Frank. "We arrived by train, and we can leave the same way."

  By now Joe had the idea. He pointed at the chief with his gun. "Yeah, we've got our ticket right here."

  "What makes you boys think — " the chief began.

  "We don't think, we know," said Frank. "We know that you're going to pick up that phone and order the train to get ready. We know that you're going to order that all your 'guests' be rounded up and put in a ventilated boxcar. We know that the train's going to pull out of here in a couple of hours, with us and you aboard. And, oh yes, we know that there'll be enough provisions on it to feed everybody until that yacht arrives on its regular run to the coast and you can give orders for it to take us back to the States."

  "You want to know how we know all that?" Joe chimed in. "We know that you know what'll happen to you if you don't do just what we say."

  The chief looked at the gun staring him in the face, and picked up the phone.

  He made three calls, never taking his eyes from the gun. With the first call he ordered that the train be readied; with the second, that the boxcars be loaded with all the guests from the ranch; and with the third, that four days' worth of food and drink be loaded in another boxcar.

  When he was asked if any men would be required to go along as guards, the chief gave a glance at the gun and said, no, the two men he had with him would be enough.

  That was the only question he was asked. Frank, listening closely for any signs of trickery, wasn't surprised. The chief was the kind of boss who gave orders and demanded unquestioning obedience.

  Meanwhile, Igor was rejoicing. "Great work," he said. "When we get out of this, I'll give you that bonus I promised. Or, if you prefer, you can give me that money to invest, and I'll make you really rich."

  "Thanks, we might consider that," said Frank, barely able to suppress a grin. Igor simply couldn't pass up an opportunity to try a scam, even under these circumstances.

  "Yeah," said Joe, keeping a straight face, too. "We could use the help of a financial whiz like you."

  Igor gave them a genial smile. Then his expression clouded. "There's one thing I don't understand. Why are we taking along those others? They all must be broke by now. What good are they?"

  Frank tried to think of an explanation that would satisfy Igor. "They might have money still hidden away. You never know."

  "I doubt it—but I'll leave that to you," said Igor. "I believe in the free enterprise system." He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

  Frank and Joe knew that this wasn't the time to let Igor know that he and the others were heading back to the States to be put into the hands of the law. Frank did figure, though, that it was time to find out more about Igor.

  "Say, Igor," he said, "since we're going to be partners, we should know your real name."

  "I understand. It never hurts to be prudent," said Igor, still smiling his oily smile. "Perhaps you've read about me. My name is Tanner. Adolf Tanner."

  Frank and Joe glanced at each other. Adolf Tanner, Gregory Miller's boss. The guy who had disappeared, leaving Marcie's father holding the bag.

  "Adolf Tanner," said Frank, wrinkling his brow, pretending to try to remember the name. "Seems to me I did read something about you. You vanished, but somebody working with you got caught."

  "Some guy called Muller or Milner or something like that," added Joe.

  "Miller," Tanner said. "Gregory Miller. He worked under me, not with me. Your typical Boy Scout. Before I left, I doctored my books to make it look like he was the one milking my company. For insurance, I had one of my men stick a briefcase full of cash in his closet to make it look like he was planning to escape. If I'm lucky, the police will also suspect him of doing away with me to cover his thefts. He'll wind up in jail, and I'll be in the clear. Beautiful, you have to admit."

  "I have to hand it to you, you are one shrewd operator," said Frank.

  Now, especially, both Hardys couldn't wait to get back to the States. They had solved the mystery they had set out to solve. They had found out the truth about Marcie's father. They had caught the real crook, and it should be simple enough to prove that Mr. Miller had only called Perfect Getaway in an effort to track down Tanner. How he had heard about it, they'd have to ask him later. Now all they had to do was deliver their catch.

  They didn't have long to wait for the delivery mechanism to start operating.

  In half an hour the chief's phone began ringing.

  Each time it rang, the chief picked up the receiver and merely listened to the caller. Then he said, "Very good," hung up, and relayed the information.

  The train was made ready and turned around to head back toward the sea.

  The supplies were loaded into a boxcar.

  Finally, the prisoners were loaded aboard.

  "Time to move out," said Joe. "I'm putting this gun in my pocket, but my hand's going to be resting on it. One wrong move from you, Chief, and you'll find out how fast I can pull the trigger. Hope I'm coming through loud and clear."

  The chief nodded. With Joe right behind him, he led the way out of the room. He looked neither to his right nor his left as the group passed the guards at the entrance of the ranch house and climbed into a waiting jeep, Joe sitting close beside the chief. The sun had set, and a full moon was just rising, bathing the land in a silvery glow.

  The jeep drove them to the ghostly train, shimmering in the moonlight. Only a dim light from the train's interior added to that illumination. Security, as always, was tight.

  Dimitri was waiting with a squad of men. He opened the jeep door and stood at attention as the chief climbed out, followed by the others, with Joe in the lead.

  "Hey, where do you think you're going, Igor?" Dimitri barked. "You go back in the boxcar with the other prisoners."

  Tanner opened his mouth to protest, then caught himself. It was clearly all he could do to keep from winking at Joe and Frank as he responded meekly, "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

  After he was led off, the chief and the Hardys entered the passenger car, followed by Dimitri.

  "Will there be anything else, Chief?" Dimitri asked.

  The chief's eyes flicked around to meet Joe's hard gaze. Then he looked at Dimitri and said, "No. You're dismissed. Tell the engineer to get the train moving."

  After Dimitri left, the chief and the Hardys sat silently in their compartment until the train started rolling.

  "Glad to see you're being sensible," Joe said. "That means you're going to stay alive. Don't look so mad, though. Life in jail won't be so bad. I'm sure you'll be out in twenty or thirty years."

  "You — " began the chief. But when Joe pulled out his gun, the chief swallowed the rest of his sentence.

  "Time to make some changes," said Frank, checking out the window to make sure that the ranch was out of sight. "Let's pay a visit to the engineer."

  Herding the chief ahead of them, they moved forward through the passenger car and then through a door that connected it with the engineer's compartment.

  The engineer had the train controls set on automatic. He was sitting back in his seat with his eyes closed.

  Frank tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up, saw the chief, and leapt to his feet.

  "Sorry, sir," he babbled. "Just taking a little break. Won't happen agai
n, I — "

  Then he saw the gun in Joe's hand.

  "We want you to do us a favor," Joe said. "Show us how to run this thing. We want to expand our occupational skills."

  A half hour later the chief and the engineer were tied up in the passenger car, and Joe and Frank were at the controls.

  "Tanner seemed a little disappointed that he had to go second-class."

  "I'm afraid Tanner has a lot of disappointments coming up," said Joe as he moved a lever to speed up the train. "This is fun. When I was a kid, I always wanted to drive a train."

  "Okay, Casey Jones, just keep your eyes on the tracks and don't lose your head," said Frank.

  "You know me," said Joe, increasing the speed still more.

  "That's the trouble," said Frank. "I don't want to have survived all of this only to wind up in an old-fashioned train wreck."

  "No problem," said Joe. "Clear track ahead."

  Frank couldn't argue. The front lights of the train had come on when the train entered the tunnel formed by the foliage overhead. The gleaming rails stretched unbroken into the darkness.

  After a while Joe rubbed his eyes. "I have to admit, this job is tougher than it looks. Those rails are almost hypnotic, and we haven't had a decent night of sleep since we left Bayport."

  "You're right about that," said Frank. "Good thing we're practically at the end of the tunnel." He couldn't stop his mouth from opening in a wide yawn.

  Then his eyes widened, and his yawn froze. For a second all he could do was make a gasping sound.

  Then he choked out, "Put on the brakes—or we'll crash!"

  He didn't really have to say anything. Joe, too, had spotted the felled trees lying across the track. He yanked on the brakes and started breathing again only when he felt the train come to a stop with a loud hiss and an ear-piercing screech.


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